
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Awakenings...

I believe we all have various degrees of moments of awakening in our lives. To me they are wakeup calls to remind us of our purpose or guide us back on course. If I had to choose my very first awakening moment, I would have to say it was as a young child. 

I was raised in a very strict...

Italian Catholic home, so weekly masses and catechism classes where a given. But I felt there was something missing in the teachings, I knew there was something more. And although I was young, my heart also yearned for sisterhood. At the time I only knew of Nuns and thought that, that was what I was going to be when I grew up...little did I know that it was the sisterhood of Priestesses that I yearned for.  I see now that the yearning was for Divine Feminine energy and the balance between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine that was lacking in my teachings. I spent my young adult years exploring and studying various religions...trying to find that balance that I knew was missing. I found my way to a Nature based Spirituality, by way of Native American teachings...but that's a story for another time. 

I was a magickal child...

I loved nature, it was where I connected to the elements, animals, birds and trees! It was my safe haven, as I struggled with a hard life at a young age. You see we came to this country when I was 5 yrs old. I became my parents personal translator, my childhood pretty much stripped away, as I had to take on huge responsibilities at a very young age. I can't begin to tell you how horrible school was for me, how I was picked on, bullied and teased, a lot, for being different.  I was "different" on many levels, from my ethnicity and beyond. I remember crying and asking not to be sent to school, but my mother wouldn't have any of it...she'd put me on that bus everyday and let me fend for myself.  It was terrifying, and the start of a very difficult life for me. My magick was stripped away as well, I became lost, shut down and hardcore rebellious...to the point of finding myself in some messed up situations. Still in the mist of it all, I connected to Nature, my only sanctuary, when ever I could.

I continued struggling through life...

through the choices I made.  Then in my early 20's I had another moment of awakening when I realized that my magick was still there.  I had whispered my heartfelt desires out into the world, actually under the full Moon and they came to be...just like that.  That's when I realized the power of manifestation and the importance of being clear with my desires. How powerful emotions are, when we imagine, believe and create our desires into reality.  Those were the little nudges that brought me to the moment where I began my Goddess journey back home.

My most defining awakening moment happened...

when I was 30 years old and gave birth to my eldest son. After his birth, my life was very different, aside from being a mom to a newborn again...he was my second child; I also found myself with heightened senses, as if something huge shifted in me.  It all started the moment of his birth...when I looked up at my partner and saw a white Aura around him and a look in his eyes of amazement and surprise. When he told me I was glowing, that I was emanating white light...at the time I knew very little about Auras, but what I did know, was that this was a very powerful moment for both of us. Much later I found out that when the color white stands out in an Aura it means pure Pranic energy...life force, it indicates the spirit of the individual is purifying, cleansing and of great spiritual awakening...and that it was.  A warmth filled my body that very moment and I felt such an intense love and peace that I had never experienced before in my entire life.  The delivery was quick so much so that the nurse ended up bring my little one into the world, the doctor didn't make it in time.  Within 24 hours we were both ready to go home and get on with our new life along with his older sister. With the days that followed, I became very sensitive to other people's energy, to the point I could not be in crowds without feeling intensely loopy and bombarded.  Later, I found I could feel the energy of stones and trees as well.  All of these sensations were new and a bit intense for me, I had to learn how to be with them.

That was the beginning of my Goddess Path...

that was the first of many new experiences that had me looking at my life and the world through different eyes. This child that chose me to come into the world through, was my teacher, he has taught me many things but the biggest lessons have been around compassion. 

As the years went by, I found myself learning many more things. I continued to spend time in Nature, which was always a big part of my life, but now I could feel and sense so much more, so much so that Nature also became my teacher. I began to understand and learn about the Auras that my son saw on a regular basis, past lives he shared with me and my daughter's empathic abilities. 

participated in both Native American ceremonies and my own rituals, as I followed the cycles of the Moon and the Wheel of the year.  My studies were leading me on my own unique journey home. I embraced my inner Priestess, collecting tools along the way as I moved through life. Learning that no matter what hand I was dealt, my inner wisdom was there to guide me.

"Seek out wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it out also in simple stones and fragile herbs and in the cries of the wild birds. Listen to the whisperings of the wind and the roar of water if you would discover magic,  for it is here that the old secrets are preserved. Books contain words; trees contain energies and wisdom books never dreamt of." 
                                                           ~the Nature of Our Way

My first Sacred Practice was creating Sacred Space... 

at first it was a small table in my bedroom. Soon I realized it could be anything from the small pauses between my breaths to as vast as a clearing in a forest or a spot by the sea. Sacred Space was where ever I called in the Sacred. That's when I started rekindling my personal power...where I embraced the magick that came in and fanned my inner spark.

Sacred Space...do you practice Sacred Space?  I have created an eight week eCourse on Creating and Maintaining Sacred Space.  Where I share with you what I learned about Sacred Space and help you cultivate Sacred Space through the use of ARTsignments™, creative self-discovery and self-exploration exercises I teach through my coaching practice.  I invite you to create Sacred Space and spend at least 10 mins a day connecting and most importantly...listening.

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