It has been my experience that when I get in the way of my dharma, my true purpose...the calling of my soul...the Universe continues to offer me opportunities to show up. These opportunities may be presented in different ways but at the core...they are all supporting my one true calling. Ego (fear) has played a big roll in holding me back and I've struggled...and still do, to show up in spite of it. So, I want to share with you something beautiful that has come from an intention I set, finding the courage to make peace with my fear (it's a work in progress, mind you) and reclaiming my wildish nature.
My personal healing journey...

My self-discovery and self-exploration process led me to the discovery of how by my pulling away and choosing a life of solitaire...mostly because I refused to conform to what some see as the "norm", thus for me it was easier to pull away and in doing so...I not only suppressed the calling of sisterhood; a calling I've heard for many years, but I also became disconnected from my inner Wild Woman. Oh don't get me
Wildness hasn't ever fully left me, it can't it's in all women...but she has been tamed to an extent.
On my journey, I found my way to the WILD Woman Project Founded by Chris Maddox and later I answered the call to become a Leader/facilitator of this amazing global movement. If you've been following my journey through my blog and Moonlight Living Pearl's of Inspiration, then you know when this all started, in early 2015, when I sent out a prayer.
I set an intention...

As the year unfolded...

Early December...
I'll be holding my first WILD Woman New Moon circle locally here in my home. I'm so excited and honored to be doing so. And yes...the fear does come up in chant of Surrender, Embrace, Trust, Release which I committed to reciting, earlier in the year, each time the waves of fear arise and holding on to my Why, supports me as I move forward. Will I falter...probably...but I'm committed to "DIG" deep, find the courage and to stay connected...and with every baby step, I am coming home to myself more and more.
I know I'm fully in Deep Play right now...connected to my inner guidance as I continue to be inspired and guidance keeps coming. I see this growing and I feel called to create self-guided personal New Moon Retreats, for those unable to attend my live circles due to distance or other reasons. I also feel called to offer Full Moon gatherings where I'll be inviting guests to share some Creative Magick of their own. Which brings me to another offering that's coming up in the new year...but more on that later. For now I invite you to join my Wild Woman Tribe so that you can be informed when my local and virtual offerings are coming up as well as all of it's upcoming juicy offerings.
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