You've all heard me mention, quite a few times this year, how the Universe is totally getting my attention and you all know that I chose Trust as my word for the year in reference to trusting that everything is as it should be and that the Universe does provide even during those rough patches.

Tonight I've been sorting and tagging jewelry as I prepare for my up coming Artisan Market in Telluride and I was thinking to myself how the Universe keeps finding ways and showing me signs not only to make me listen, but to confirm I'm on the right path. Even when it falls on deaf ears it's persistent cos' it knows I'll hear it eventually. Now, I'm probably not making any sense as I'm writing all this, so I'll just go ahead and share what I've been experiencing.
The year started out rough...financially. Yet, before I could even give in to fear, the Universe provided in one way or another...and continues to do so. I've yet to experience a full blown anxiety attack, something I've experienced a lot of in the past. It's like the Universe is showing me in many ways how important it is not to waste my energy that way...yet, somewhere inside I still feel like I'm waiting for the ax to fall...but it hasn't.
Then, about 2 months ago, I met a local entrepreneur who owns a very successful business. During our visit, we talked about our businesses and my dreams of making my as successful...she visited my Etsy shop and told me I should increase my prices, that I was undervaluing myself. She also mentioned how much she got out of reading Martha Becks' books and she suggested I should look into them. This isn't the first time I've been told my prices are "incredibly reasonable". For me it's hard to put a price on my soul work, on art that I create from my heart, out of joy.
A few weeks ago, one of my sisters, had a give-a-way on her blog...which was Martha Becks' latest book. I thought to myself..."I've yet to look into her books, I should download a sample to my NOOK just to see what it's like". I downloaded the sample. During this time, a group of us from another FB group started a discussion about pricing our art and a video was shared about pricing for profit. It talked again about undervaluing our worth. Something lots of artist do (especially women)...I mean really, most of us have a not so good relationship with money (more on this later). So, I consulted with a dear friend and a successful artisan and started reevaluating my shop. I realized I need to get serious...stop undervaluing my work, time and gifts. You see, those who've been following my blog know very well that last summer I was close to being unemployed and when I went out there in the world to look for work...I found that I had no skills other than my art...I have been out of the Medical field for so many years it is impossible to go back without some refresher classes. And now I'm thinking...if I can't make my jewelry business successful, then it's time I invest my time and energy into something else that will help pay the bills...keeping it small and a hobby isn't going to help. Because the time will come when my "day job" will no longer be there for me...being in my 50's and working at Walmart is NOT where I want to find myself in a few years, my soul craves for more than that and I know I would not be happy there.
Yesterday, one of my sisters from the Book of Days mentioned Martha Beck...which reminded me...once I didn't "look into her book yet", despite the fact I downloaded a sample of it weeks ago. So, since it was the third time I was reminded to read it...I went ahead and read the sample pages and with every page I read I was like YES...YES...YES! all made sense to me, I stayed up late reading more of it... and yes, I did purchase it on my NOOK. It talks about finding your purpose...returning to your true nature...which has been my mission this year. With every eCourse I've taken, every ritual, meditation and practice I've's all been about returning to my true nature...connecting again.
Today during lunch...I read the first week of the Business Goddess eCourse...again... (a course that shifted my business last year and where I learned about Social Media and being seen). The words..."I realized I wanted to do more than having a gorgeous creative hobby that made me a little bit of money" rang so true to me. Oh and I said I'd get back to the, not so good relationship with Leonie's blog post..."The Real and Shining Truth about Success, Money and Business"... the part that got me was...."Us creatives and soulful types are afraid of talking about business, afraid of talking about money, afraid of becoming successful because that would mean:
We are greedy. We are selfish. We have sold our soul. Marking must mean manipulation. Money is baaaad and the cause of all evil in the world. And it's impossible for us to talk about creating businesses that support us abundantly and joyfully without facing this...interesting. I'm totally starting to get that there is abundance to be had for all of us...we just need to shift into a place of gratitude then of scarcity, (which was ingrained in my from childhood).
So we come full circle back to this evening and tagging my jewelry...when I realized yet one more confirmation that the Universe is trying to tell me something....for the past month...I've been getting all sorts of catalogs in the mail, jewelry/fashion catalogs. I didn't order any jewelry or clothing and don't recall signing up for any of these...yet in every one of them there is jewelry...many similar to mine and with prices that are not "incredibly reasonable"... once again confirming that I was undervaluing my work...and that's when it hit me...despite me not being tuned in or connected, as much as I want to be, I've been getting messages, consistently despite me not listening and I've been getting little hints along my path reminding me to just stop and be still and realize I/we are not in this alone...we are always taken care of and always provided for. Whether they are holy wow moments or just subtle small signs letting us know we are on the right path ♥
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