After Zia's passing, I shut down for a while...did some "Cave Time" as I'm known to do when I need my space and time to heal. When we got her ashes back the kids and I went to back to where we lived when we first got her. The kids and Zia used to play out in the vast fields of Southwest Sage Brush, and had found a rock which they called Pride Rock. This is where we laid her to rest by spreading her ashes, we left a white rose on top of Pride Rock. We kept some of her ashes as the kids wanted to keep part of her with them. A friend, teammate and fellow artist Jill makes vessels which are inspired by the Canopic jars of Egypt. She made the kids each a jar which resembled Zia. They came out beautiful and were exactly what they needed/wanted.
Since then I've read The Pagan Book of Living and Dying, which was good for me to read. I also have delved into two of SARK's books. "Succulent Wild Women" and her latest "Glad No Matter What" both of which have been very inspiring. Right now I feel like my inner child needs lots of love and comforting and SARK's books, as well as Goddess Leonie's eCourses are full of color and for now this is my healing place.
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